Hi there! I found your blog via Etsy. I wanted to say that I really love your work and wish I could buy many of your pieces all at once. As I live in the US, I'm glad to see that your shipping prices are low. I will place an order for a wallet soon! Keep up the good work!
I really love your bags, they are beautifully crafted. I have been trying out stuff with leather myself, nothing like yours but just seeing what I can achieve with moulding. I hope to buy one of your bags in the future when I have save up enough money.
Hi there! I found your blog via Etsy. I wanted to say that I really love your work and wish I could buy many of your pieces all at once. As I live in the US, I'm glad to see that your shipping prices are low. I will place an order for a wallet soon! Keep up the good work!
回覆刪除Frances S.
Austin, TX
Ps. Very cute kitties!
I really love your bags, they are beautifully crafted. I have been trying out stuff with leather myself, nothing like yours but just seeing what I can achieve with moulding. I hope to buy one of your bags in the future when I have save up enough money.
回覆刪除Beci (from the UK)
Thanks for your appreciation. :)
回覆刪除Hand stitched leatherware is interesting. You should try it too.
Hope can trade with you very soon.